Create User and Customize Fields, Create Role and Assign Role To User, Create organization and Assign

Create user and provision RO.

Form Designer :

OIM Provides basic Forms to the User,Roles and Organizations. To make or edit the user page as per need follow the below Steps.

From Above link,

Form Designer -> Select Type (Ex: User) -> Search.
User is having only 1 predefined page but roles and Orgs are having multiple forms.

Click On custom and add the new column details and save it..

After the save we can able to see the column in User column list.

To access this details we can see into USR table from DB.
API Name = Employee_Age_C
select * from usr where usr_login='TESTUSER1'

To Keep make of changes we need to create sandBox using http://localhost:8003/identity Login to above link.
Create Sand Box

To Make change of User page, Create User.

User -> Search -> Clcik on create.

Clcik On Customize -> View -> Source .

Choose where to add Field by mouse over over the screen and click on it.

Click on add Content

Select User Link from Form Name- > Select Data Component : CatLog - > Open - > Userv01 -> Open -> Search For Field to be add.

Select Employee Id from UserVO -> Added Field (Ex: EmployeeID) -> Add as Input text with Label

ToDelete Field from Page, Click on field - > delete Button from Customize View

view -manageusers-UserVO1

In The View or display Page we are not able to see the added field bcz we added in the create Page form. If we want to dipslay the field then agin we need to customize the view page.

Customize -> View -> Source -> Click on where to display Employee ID.

Click On Edit -> Add Content -> Data Component CatLog -> USRVO1 - > Employee ID -> Add as Output Text with Label ,

Also Above procedure is same for Modify User Page also which again we need to add the Field.

To Edit Filed :

Click on field which has to edit -> Customize -> View -> Source - > Click on filed to edit -> Edit button from view tool Bar -> Change as per need

Create Role and Orgs

UGP Table will have all the Roles related data.
USG Table Role Mapped to user

Roles -> Create -> Save

If we create Role No Need to run Scheduler manually. Which we do for resources.

Assigning Role To User:

From User -> Search -> User Login -> Request Role -> Search Role from catLog -> Add To Cart -> Check Out -> ready To Submit -> Submit

We can see assigned user Role in his roles tab list from his view

Other Way :
Roles - > Search For Roles -> Select Role -> Member Tab -> Assign ->Target User -> Add (+) ->

Organization Map to Role and Users:

ACT Table is used to fetch Org Related data.

Organization -> Search or Create -> Save.

Create/Modify User or Role and assigning Org to role or User.

We Already created User and Role so we can go for Mapping.

User Saerch -> Edit -> Change Organization -> save

For Roles mapping To Organization :

Roles -> Search -> Open -> Oragnization -> Assign -> Select Org -> ok


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  2. Hello - How can I insert a table into a panelCollection ? I am able to create a nice list of fields however I need to make a table. Thanks!


About OIM

Oracle Identity Management enables organizations to effectively manage the end - to - end life - cycle of user ide...

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