Creating and Executing Generic Technology Connector

Generic Technology Connector
Generic technology connector acts as the bridge for reconciliation and provisioning operations between Oracle Identity Manager and a target system. In terms of functionality, a generic technology connector can be divided into a reconciliat

ion module and provisioning module. When you create a generic technology connector, you can specify whether you want to include both modules or only the reconciliation or provisioning module.

Requirements for creating a GTC.
Flat file or DBAT Connector( basically a DB table with user data)
Eg of flat file:
    #GTC Trusted Source
    login,firstName,lastName,eMail,organization,User Type,Employee Type
    TESTUSER200,TESTUSER200,TESTUSER200,,Xellerate Users,End-User,Full-Time

Points to note in the above flat file
  •     First line should be a comment
  •     Second line is attributes.
  •     Third line onwards is the data.
  •     Can add as many lines as you want
  •     Create the above flat file in /parent directory
    Eg../scratch/<username>/parent in the Linux Box.
    Create another directory /scratch/<username>/archive
Creating GTC in OIM
Login to OIM http://<host>:<port>/sysadmin
Generic Connector
     Configuration -> Create Generic Connector
        Name : testgtc1
        Select Reconciliation
        Transport Provider : Shared Drive ( Default, if   DBAT Connector is installed, then it’ll show another option.
       Format Provider : csv
      Enable Trusted Reconcilation.


Staging Directory (Parent identity data) :
Archiving Directory : /scratch/<username>/archive
File Prefix : test4 – File name
Specified Delimiter : ,
File Encoding : Cp1251
Reconciliation Type : Full


Map the attributes by selecting the mapping variables on the right most column.
Eg . Login → User Login
        firstname → FirstName 


Once the GTC is created, a schedule task is  also created, like TEST_GTC.
Upon running the schedule task, users in  flat file are created in OIM.

Sample File Generator Script :

echo "Generate user script"
for i in $(seq 400000);
        echo "ArushiB$i,B$i,Arushi$i,ArushiB$,Xellerate Users,manager" >> UserFile.csv
echo "Completed"

Sample File format :

#GTC Trusted Source
User11,Value1,User1,,Xellerate Users,manager
User22,Value2,User2,,Xellerate Users,manager
User33,Value3,User3,,Xellerate Users,manager
User44,Value4,User4,,Xellerate Users,manager

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