How To Generate AWR report using Oracle DB from Console / UI

1. Identify DB installation directory and set
ORACLE_HOME to home of DB Install.
export ORACLE_HOME=/opt/oracle/app/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1

2. Find pmon process and export SID
ps -aef | grep _pmon

export ORACLE_SID=orcl

3.  Export bin directory
cd ${ORACLE_HOME}/rdbms/admin/

export PATH=${PATH}:${ORACLE_HOME}/bin

4. find . -name awrrpt.sql
navigate to awrrpt.sql and connect to SQL

  sqlplus "/ as sysdba"

Using DB EM Console

Navigate to ${ORACLE_HOME}/bin  and execute emctl.
./emctl status dbconsole
we can able to see em console for DB using below URL.

Login as sysdba and password

click on Home -> Server - >  Automatic Workload Repository -> Run Compare Periods report
By snapshot select Begin and End snapshot
Click on generate report

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