package com.scheduler; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import com.connection.DataSource; import com.connection.OIMConnection; import oracle.iam.scheduler.api.SchedulerService; import oracle.iam.scheduler.vo.CronTrigger; import oracle.iam.scheduler.vo.JobDetails; import oracle.iam.scheduler.vo.JobParameter; import oracle.iam.scheduler.vo.Trigger; public class UpdateScheduledJobCron { public static void main(String[] args){ new UpdateScheduledJobCron().updateScheduledJobParameter(); } public HashMap getCronTriggerJobs(){ HashMap cronJobMap = new HashMap(); Connection con = DataSource.getConnection(); String cronQuery = "select T.TRIGGER_NAME,CT.CRON_EXPRESSION from QRTZ92_CRON_TRIGGERS CT,QRTZ92_TRIGGERS T where T.TRIGGER_NAME=CT.TRIGGER_NAME AND T.TRIGGER_TYPE='CRON'"; try { PreparedStatement prepStmt = con.prepareStatement(cronQuery); ResultSet rs = prepStmt.executeQuery(); while( { cronJobMap.put(rs.getString("TRIGGER_NAME"),rs.getString("CRON_EXPRESSION")); } rs.close(); prepStmt.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } finally { DataSource.closeConnection(); } return cronJobMap; } public void updateScheduledJobParameter() { SchedulerService schedulerService = null; HashMap<String,String> cronMap = getCronTriggerJobs(); for (Map.Entry<String,String> entry : cronMap.entrySet()) { JobParameter jbParam = new JobParameter(); String jobName = entry.getKey(); String cronExpression = entry.getValue(); try{ //get scheduler service schedulerService = OIMConnection.getConnection().getService(SchedulerService.class); JobDetails jobDetail = schedulerService.getJobDetail(jobName); HashMap jobAttributes = jobDetail.getAttributes(); System.out.println("JobDetails Object Getting Params "); HashMap<String, JobParameter> jobParameters = jobDetail.getParams(); if(null!=jobParameters && jobParameters.size()>0){ Iterator itrJobParams = jobParameters.keySet().iterator(); while (itrJobParams.hasNext()) { String; Object obj = jobParameters.get(hashKey); JobParameter jp = null; if (null != obj && obj instanceof JobParameter) { jp = (JobParameter) obj; Serializable val = jp.getValue(); jbParam.setName(jp.getName()); jbParam.setValue(jp.getValue()); jbParam.setParameterKey(jp.getParameterKey()); jbParam.setDataType(jp.getDataType()); jobAttributes.put(jp.getName(), jbParam); } } }else{ System.out.println(" jobParameters Null in the task Name -> "+jobDetail.getTaskName()); } System.out.println( "Updated job attributes - " + jobAttributes); Trigger[] triggers= schedulerService.getTriggersOfJob(jobName); for(Trigger trigg : triggers ){ schedulerService.deleteTrigger(trigg.getName()); } JobDetails jb = new JobDetails(); jb.setName(jobDetail.getName()); jb.setJobScheduleType(jobDetail.getJobScheduleType()); jb.setCronScheduleType(jobDetail.getCronScheduleType()); jb.setRetrycount(jobDetail.getRetrycount()); jb.setAttributes(jobAttributes); //Update Job with Job Details. schedulerService.updateJob(jobDetail); System.out.println("Job updated successfully"); //Schedule Trigger schedulerService.scheduleJob(jobDetail.getName(), new CronTrigger(jobDetail.getName(),new Date(),null, cronExpression)); System.out.println("Job scheduled successfully"); }catch(Exception e){ System.out.println( "Exception occured while updating scheduled job parameters - " + e); } } System.out.println("END"); } }
Oracle Identity Manager (OIM R2PS2/PS3/12C) is a highly flexible and scalable enterprise identity administration system that provides operational and business efficiency by providing centralized administration & complete automation of identity and user provisioning events across enterprise as well as extranet applications.
API Code to scheduleJob / Delete Trigger / Update Job for CRON Triggers
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